Fallout Factions: The Basics

Fallout Factions is a skirmish miniatures game set in the wastelands of the Fallout Universe. Factions is published by Modiphius, who also makes Fallout Wasteland Warfare, and yes, the minis are the same for both games. Designer James Hewitt, who also designed Necromunda, Adeptus Titanicus, and Hellboy – The Board Game, crafted a ruleset that’s fast, accessible, and action-packed. 

Where Wasteland Warfare is a sandbox for any sort of Wasteland fun you want to get into, Factions is tight and focused on PvP. Games take place on 24” x 36” battlefields, and last around 40 minutes. Games of Factions are linked, with your chosen crew or around 10 minis leveling up, upgrading their gear, gaining or losing influence, and recruiting new members.

Factions uses D10s to resolve actions, and retains the Fallout S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute system. In place of special rulers and templates, Factions also uses an inch-based measurement system. The Starter Box even has a tiny tape measure packed in! If you’ve played a miniatures wargame before, action resolution is relatively familiar. Measure the distance, roll some dice, and check if you succeeded.

Each weapon lists the amount of dice to roll, and which S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute to check against. If you had a weapon with an attack of 4S, for example, you would roll 4d10 and any results equal to or lower than your Strength attribute would count as hits. It’s that simple!

Games consist of a number of rounds specified by the scenario. In each round, players alternate turns activating a single model and completing actions. When both players have activated all of their models, or passed, the round ends. 

The Core Rules are currently only available in the Fallout Factions: Battle For Nuka World Starter. That box contains everything two people need to get started, with enough dice, tokens, and terrain for 2 players. There’s a paper 24” x 36” mat, and plastic sprues to create 10 Operators and 10 Pack minis.

Fallout Factions Battle For Nuka World Starters are available from TBZ now, and our first demo event for Factions takes place on Saturday, Sept. 1. We’ll be running an ongoing Battle For Nuka World campaign beginning on Sept 20th.