Fallout Factions: The Crews

Fallout Factions is a skirmish miniatures game where crews of 10 or so models battle it out to gain influence in Nuka World. Even if crews draw their models from the same source, each crew stands alone. But what options are available in Factions?

There are currently two types of rules for each faction. First, is Official rules. These are factions that are fully fleshed out, and will receive updates as needed in the future. These rules are considered final, and outside of balance changes or new releases, won’t change all that much.

Next, are Gets You By rules. These are not final, official rules. They are supplied by Modiphius, are fully-fleshed out, and are 100% legal to play in all Factions game types, but can be updated or changed at such a time that these factions receive published Official rules. Think of these rules as being a “public beta” state. What’s there is mostly what you’ll see, but some major tweaks could still occur. These are meant for people who already have collections of minis and want to jump into Factions with their favorite models.

Official Factions

There are three (plus one) factions at launch that are finalized, official rules. These are the three Nuka World-themed Raiders, The Disciples, The Operators, and The Pack. Rules for all three of these factions are included in the Core Rulebook, as well as packed in individual boxes of each faction.

There are also Official rules for the Cult of the Mothman, included in the monthly rules update PDF for the faction.

Cult of the Mothman

Gets You By Factions

There are currently five Gets You By factions, with more on the way as new minis are released. These six are the Brotherhood of Steel, Gunners, Super Mutants, Wasteland Raiders, and Wastelanders. Gets You By rules are available to download for free from Modiphius and included in the monthly Rules Packet PDFs for new releases, such as the Cult of the Mothman.

Modiphius has announced a rulebook that will upgrade the Brotherhood of Steel, Super Mutants, Wasteland Raiders, and Wastelanders to Official status before the end of 2024. 

Don’t see your favorite faction? There’s more to come in the future, and Modiphius is planning to support the game long-term.

Fallout Factions Battle For Nuka World Starters are available from TBZ now, and our first demo event for Factions takes place on Saturday, Sept. 1. We’ll be running an ongoing Battle For Nuka World campaign beginning on Sept 20th.